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Installation guide

1 - Preparation

1.1 - Acquire an installation image

Visit the Downloads page and download the ISO file.

1.2 - Verify checksum

Obtain the MD5 checksum from the checksums section of the downloads page.

Install md5sum from your package manager. Then run the following command

$ md5sum /path/to/installer.iso

Ensure that the checksum outputted by the command matches what is displayed in the website.

1.3 - Prepare an installation medium

The installation image can be supplied to the target machine via a USB flash drive or DVD.

1.4 - Boot into the system

Turn on the system with the installation medium attached and open up the boot menu. This is typically done with the F2 or DEL key. Select the installation medium.

1.5 - Verify internet connection

To test your internet connectivity and DNS providers, run the following command

# ping

If you get a response, you are connected to the internet and your DNS providers are working.
If you do not get a response, you will need to connect to the internet:
  • Ethernet - plug in the cable.
  • Wi-Fi - authenticate to the wireless network using iwctl.
  • Mobile broadband modem - connect to the mobile network with the mmcli utility.

1.6 - Sync the system clock

You can use the following command to make sure that your time is synced

# timedatectl set-ntp true

2 - Setting up the disks

2.1 - Partition the disks

List all of the available devices using the lsblk command.

Find the block device for the drive you would like to use.

You can use a partitioning tool such as cfdisk or parted.

2.2 - Formatting the partitions

You can use mkfs to format the partitions. The root and home partitions can be formatted with your file system of choice. EXT4 will be used. The boot partition must be formatted with FAT32.

You can format the partitions with these commands

# mkfs.fat -F 32 /dev/boot_partition
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/root_partition
# mkfs.ext4 /dev/home_partition

2.3 - Mounting the partitions

Once the partitions have been formatted, you need to mount them. This can be done with the following commands

# mount /dev/root_partition /mnt
# mkdir /mnt/boot
# mkdir /mnt/home
# mount /dev/boot_partition /mnt/boot
# mount /dev/home_partition /mnt/home

3 - Installing the system

3.1 - Install essential packages

To have a functioning linux system, you need the base and base-devel packages.

# pacstrap /mnt base base-devel

3.2 - Install a kernel

You will also need to install a linux kernel. There is the standard linux kernel as well as a long-term-support kernel.

# pacstrap /mnt linux linux-firmware
# pacstrap /mnt linux-lts linux-firmware

3.3 - Generate Fstab

You will need to generate an fstab file to be able to use your system.

# genfstab -U /mnt > /mnt/etc/fstab

4 - Configure the system

4.1 - Chroot

Change root into the new system.

# chroot /mnt

4.2 - Hostname configuration

Set your hostname by editing the /etc/hostname file.


4.3 - Initramfs

This is not required if you followed step 3.2.

# mkinitcpio -P

4.4 - Root password

Set the root password.

# passwd

4.5 - Additional users

You can add additional users to your system. This is not required.

# useradd -m yourname
You should also set a password.
# passwd yourname

4.6 - Boot loader

Install grub and efibootmgr.

# pacman -S grub efibootmgr
Now configure grub.
# grub-install --target=x86_64-efi --efi-directory=/boot --bootloader-id=GRUB
# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

5 - Graphical environment

5.1 - Install a display server

Symmetrical OS uses xorg for the display server.

# pacman -S xorg

5.2 - Install a login screen

You have the choice of lightdm and sddm. Do some research before picking one.

# pacman -S lightdm # systemctl enable lightdm.service
# pacman -S sddm # systemctl enable sddm.service

5.3 - Install the desktop environment

Symmetrical OS uses the xfce4 desktop environment and the xfwm window manager.

# pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies

5.3.1 - Install a customization

Symmetrical OS has the default customization, a Windows look, and MacOS look.

# pacman -S symmos-xfce4-default
# pacman -S symmos-xfce4-windows
# pacman -S symmos-xfce4-macos

6 - Finishing up

6.1 - Exit chroot environment

# exit

6.2 - Unmount all drives

# umount -R /mnt

6.3 - Reboot system

You need to remove the installation medium after rebooting.

# reboot